Tuesday, 18 June 2013

How to Migrate From Profitclicking to Adclickxpress

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How to Migrate From Profitclicking to Adclickxpress

NPC - Actually I've lazily around JSS Team update / PC / Adclickxpress.com clarity that does not know to this day has not been a turnover funds already migrating again, sorry do not provoke your friends who still love BO ..... but for agan who want to migrate from PC to Adx please follow these steps:

- Please login as usual to http://www.profitclicking.com/ login
- Content ID / User Name
- Fill in Password

It will display a new screen (no longer a PC screen), notice there is a box / column labeled "MIGRATION NOW" 

- Please click on the words "NOW MIGRATION"  
- There will be a paper Congratulations you have successfully Migration 
- Click Ok / Summit

Continue ....
- Log back with the new web address:  www.adclickxpress.com
- Content ID / User Name (As time on PC)
- Fill in Password (such time on PC)
- Go to the dashboard and purchasing the starting position, reserving the use of funds in the wallet in the basic, initial capital agan from PC ... and that the rest of your money, struggle a year without being able to WD ... tiba2 in turn the capital but no bs in WD .... surprising precisely migration ....

Congratulations you have successfully login and migrate ... I hope you succeed and could rake in dollars as promised ...... 

Do not give up ... grateful for what there life is a gift .... hehehe ^ ___ ^!

Hail Success

NB: If unsuccessful login / migration try to open the email and read the latest news agan like this about her email (^ _ ^) Profit Clicking Becomes Ad Click Xpress! " then look for the words and click http://www.profitclicking.com/ loginthen follow the steps as above.


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